Important Tips for Choosing Carpeting for the Home

Carpeting is an investment and one that is often very expensive, so it's a choice you'll want to make carefully. Choosing carpeting based solely on the price is a good way to regret the decision, as cheaper carpet may show dirt and stains more readily or not be as comfortable as you imagine. To ensure you get carpeting that you know you'll love for years to come, note a few important tips.


Nylon carpeting is very durable and good for homes with children and pets, although it may not feel as soft and comfortable under your feet as a natural material like wool. While wool is comfortable, it may also hold heat more than other materials, so it may make a home feel hotter in the summertime. Polyester is also very durable but often harder to clean than nylon, and olefin is a type of manmade polypropylene fabric that is also durable but not as comfortable as nylon or wool. Olefin may also need more cleaning and more stain resistant treatments over the years, to keep it looking new.


The cut of carpeting is how its style is created; Saxony is very plush, with long fibers. It feels soft under the feet but shows footprints very easily. Shag is similar to Saxony, with longer fibers that are comfortable but hard to keep clean, as they trap dirt and debris very easily. Textured is a good choice for homes; this carpeting will have varying heights of yarn so that it feels thick and comfortable while not holding dirt as easily as shag and not showing footprints. Frieze has twisted fibers that give it a nubby feeling and which also hides footprints very well. In homes with lots of foot traffic, you might choose frieze so it doesn't look as worn down and doesn't show traffic so easily.


Price alone may not determine the quality of carpeting; check its density. This tells you how many fibers there are and how thickly they're packed. Like linens with a higher thread count, carpeting with higher density will feel softer and have less risk of looking bare and worn. Look at the bottom of the carpeting; if you can see a lot of the backing, this indicates a low density and a lower quality of carpeting. The face weight also tells you the weight of fibers; the higher the weight, the stronger the carpeting. Invest in the highest face weight when it comes to a carpeting's cut as you can afford, so it lasts longer over the years.
