Commercial Rubbish Management: Reducing the Waste in Your Office

Rubbish collection and removal are critical maintenance processes for your commercial building. If your office has no efficient management system for the produced waste, numerous problems could occur due to the accumulated materials. For example, the rubbish could cause the space to look untidy and unpleasant for customers and business partners. Also, the trash could attract pests by providing food and suitable hiding spots. On the other hand, frequent rubbish collection can be expensive. If you are struggling with excess rubbish in your office or the high costs of disposal, you should consider the strategies below for waste reduction in your commercial space.

Consider Paperless Communication

You should reduce your printed communication within the office. Often, a lot of paper is wasted because information is printed unnecessarily. For example, memos can be digitised and shared conveniently through computers, tablets and phones. Also, you should avoid making hardcopies of presentation materials for in-office meetings. If the information must be distribution, it can be shared through data sharing platforms.

Improve Printing Practices

Printing is not avoidable in most commercial operations. However, you can avoid wasting paper and creating unnecessary rubbish for collection and removal in your office. In simple terms, if you improve your daily printing practices, you can keep your building clean and save money. For example, you should think about choosing double-sided printing. When the printed materials are discarded, the waste will be reduced by half. You should encourage people to proofread documents before printing to reduce the wastage of paper due to creation of draft copies. This practice will have a positive impact on rubbish volume. Additionally, you should use smaller pieces of paper for short documents.

Share Printed Materials

You should plan on sharing printed materials in your office. For example, if the employees need to check publications, reports and newspapers, you should purchase limited copies and share them. If there are multiple copies, the volume of waste will be high because most will be discarded. If you must print memos or general announcements, you should think about placing them on a centralised location. For instance, if you have a noticeboard, you will only need a single memo to communicate with the entire office. The alternative is providing a copy of the document to all employees. This practice is inefficient and highly wasteful.

Rubbish management in a commercial building can be challenging even if you take measures to reduce the waste volume. Therefore, you should consult a specialist cleaning service to help you establish a plan for efficient collection and removal.
